Search Tips for B2B company

About 80% of B2B (business-to-business) purchase cycles start with a web search, and 60% of B2B marketers say Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has the biggest impact on lead generation.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is extremely vital for any company with an online presence, but particularly for B2B companies and organizations because often B2B businesses are selling large products and services that cannot be brought online. When these companies do SEO, they need to work hard to engage online users so that they will contact them offline to complete a sale. However, it’s not easy to project for the year to come in the world of SEO, and techniques and strategies are always subject to change because of a variety of factors like algorithm updates (penguin and panda), changing user behavior, industry findings, new platforms and more. So, here are some essential best tips to help improve your SEO strategy in 2017 and upcoming year.

  1. Go for High-Quality Landing Pages
You never overlook the importance of a well-constructed landing page to generate leads and improve conversions. The best place to know if your landing pages are high quality is by looking at how many people link to your pages and/or share them on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc. If you have a few existing pages that are generating links, then replicate this strategy across all website pages.

  1. Use A CMS
A key factor in SEO is keeping the web content fresh and up to date. Build your site on a CMS (content management system) so that you can make updates yourself. A CMS lets you keep your content updated right from posting blogs, overhauling the content on your services page to changing out images.

  1. Mobile First Approach
These days, most of the businesses are building their website with latest technologies and have responsive website design (RWD). Do you know Google is giving preference to mobile space because a large majority of people are accessing sites from mobile and tablets? Therefore, consider certain design elements like font size, site structure, navigation, conversion optimization, content load times and multimedia content.
Read Original post: IBM
